greater than myself

naysayers say it can’t be done

i disagree

slay those dragons

fight those demons

put on the armor of the man, jesus

just to say

he’s my stay

without him i’m lost, tossed upon billowing seas

he’s my stand

so very grand

not your everyday christian

preferring ‘Jesus freak’

without him I’m loose sand

just a crazy old man who takes no stand

falling through thin cracks

into oblivion

with him my days are filled with a life felt and filled with emotion

representation of a life saved by one greater than myself

Published by Barefoot Cajun

Barefoot Cajun lives on the Cajun Prairie in South Louisiana with his husband, farm cats, some chickens, dogs, gardens, among a host of other living creatures and interesting artifacts. He writes daily, mostly about L’anse Faquetaigue, (Turkey Hen) Area. Barefoot Cajun writes Haiku, free verse poetry, short stories, and flash fiction. He journals and writes essays. Barefoot Cajun is a foodie, specializing in Cajun cuisine and Cajun fusion. Living upon the South Louisiana Prairie, he enjoys the intergenerational living lifestyle with a host of family and friends of all ages from birth to seniors. Laissez les bon temps rouler (let the good times roll) lol

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